Tuesday 22 November 2011

WINOL Critical Reflection: 16/11/11

Headlines: The headline clips this week once again looked professional. In particular, I thought that the clip from the football match was interesting and of a very high quality. The only criticism this week was that, in the clip of Caret, it would have been better if a clip without subtitles was used in the headlines because it was confusing to watch.

Unemployment: As Becky explained in the debrief, she was not given much warning at all to write a script for this piece which resulted in an overuse of statistics, however given more time this would probably not have been the case. I thought it was good how Gareth asked if the unemployment statistics could be broken down locally, because that is really what the audience would be most interested in. It would have been better to start with this question rather than the general statistics, although again I understand this was probably due to lack of time. When watching this I was slightly confused as to whether Becky had memorised the script, or whether she was only looking at the autocue extremely subtly. If she had memorised it then that is very impressive, but I thought that it looked a bit unprofessional to not be looking either at the camera or Gareth. It also gave the impression that she was not getting the information from anywhere other than her own memory which, as a consequence, made me unsure on how accurate the information was.

Unions: I thought that Lou's piece this week was very good, however I still think that he needs to slow down on his voice overs so that it is a bit easier to follow what he is saying. The interview with Royston Smith was a bit wonky but was otherwise well framed. The interview with Mike Tuckett would have been better if Tuckett had known where to look because he looked a bit shifty and like a deer caught in the headlights. However Lou said this was because he was a very difficult interviewee. Other than that, Lou framed the shot perfectly. I thought that once again this week Lou's piece to camera was an improvement since his first attempts earlier this year - he just needs to check his collar is straight!

Paedophile: I thought that the link to this piece was well written and professional, highlighting the seriousness of what would be coming next. I liked how Flick zoomed in on the photo of the convicted man because it looked to be more than a still image; she had clearly taken on board the suggestions about using still images from her piece on Antarctica a few weeks ago. I felt that the piece would have been stronger if Flick had had a more serious tone to her voice, however I understand how difficult the piece was and that this was the first time she had to cover such a serious piece. Flick did incredibly well to avoid any accidental deffamation or accidently breaking the anonymity of the victim. By showing the picture of the guilty man and naming him, Flick ensured that she positively indentified him so that no one with the same name could claim that she defamed them. Victims of sexual assult have anonymity for life, and as the man had been a neighbour of the victim, Flick made sure that she did not give the man's address because this could have revealed the identity of the victim.

Parking: I thought that Lee did well finding shots that were not boring for this story when all he really had to work with was a car park - and he was not allowed to film any license plates without the owner's permission. I thought that the interview with Alan Rickman was well framed and the sound quality was good. In the debrief Lee explained how he had managed to grab George Beckett in the street to get the interview. I thought that this was extremely professional, and even though it was not framed well well, you could hear what Beckett was saying and could see him clearly which is the most important thing. Brian suggested that a way to make this piece stonger would have been to film the carpark for 10 or 15 minutes as cars come in and out and then speed up the footage when editing it.

Mobile App: The piece about the university introducing a mobile app was brilliant to include as the majority of viewers are students at the univeristy so it was directly relevant to them. Unfortunately the video and sound quality in this piece were not good at all, although this could have been due to technical problems.

Football: As usual, the football news this weeek was very strong. However, as Brian explained, the main point of the piece should have been about how the hatrick was the fastest ever scored by a substitute (at least that is what I gathered the fact was!) because this would have been a genuinely interesting fact even to people who do not take an interest in football. The interviews in this piece were well framed and to a high standard. The promo for Sports Week in the bulliten was extremely confusing, it would have been better to show clips from the packages in Sports Week instead of showing the presenter.

Radio: The shot at the start of this piece was really good, and a definite step up for Tom. It was brave of him to think outside the box and do a close up shot, and it paid off! It was confusing in the piece to have the interview with Aarran Summers as a voice over instead of an actual shot of him which would have been more interesting to watch. The interview with Joyce Carter was good and well framed. The interview with Maxine was brilliant, really well framed and interesting, and Tom made sure she was looking the opposite way to Carter.

Presenter: This was the first time I had seen Gareth presenting and I thought he did really well, especially as he ensured he had a different tone for the news than for when he is presenting the sports.

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